Thursday, October 20, 2011

HG Gunner Zaku Warrior (LUNAMARIA HAWKE CUSTOM) Bandai

Good Day!

Here is my Hg Gunner Zaku Warrior(Lunamaria Hawke Custom).

The pilot of this unit is Lunamaria Hawke

First is to tell something about this unit.
The Gunner Zaku warrior is a zaku(I know that you knew that already) which specializes on long ranged shots that are capable of blowing up battleships. This is made possible by M1500 "Orthros", a powerful long ranged beam cannon. The cannon required it's own power source or battery to be used. And it can be folded and attached to it's pack.

Aside from the Orthros, the unit also has a Beam tomahawk/ shield, hand grenades and MMI-M633 beam rifle(beam assault rifle).

Oh and one more thing the only difference of my beloved Lunamaria Hawke's unit is the color scheme which is pink or dark pink!

See it's pink!

The Design: Uhm, the design is very nice. You can notice that the Luna Maria Hawke's Zaku is just a repaint of the Gunner Warrior Zaku ,(i think they made it pink so it can suit the pilots uhm personality i think ) the zaku also doesn't look to feminine even thought it is pink. It looks more cooler or meaner than other zakus that i have seen(this is just my opinion)

Paint: it is pink.

Articulation. Well the zaku's arms can rotate 360, move up and down(but limited because of the shoulder armor) and side to side. the can rotate in a limited range, the legs can move up and down and bend while the feet can move up and down a little. there is also a ball joint in its shoulder Shield(I don't know if this is the correct term). The waist can also move side to side and up and down a little(or maybe not). The sirts can move up then down.

I know the pic doesn't help in showing the articulation. Sorry

Accesories and other parts and weapons: The zaku comes with the Orthos canon mounted on its back with the battery along with it, a beam assault rifle, and a thomahawk. It comes with four hands a trigger hand, 2 closed fist and an open hand.

size matters.

Panelling: The model kit doesn't have a lot of of panel lines unlike other model kits. Aside from the canon(Orthos) there is nut much to panel line on the model kit. (Or I am just to dumb to see the panel lines)

Overall: I rate this model kit 8.5/10. The color scheme is nice, the sculpt of the figure, the overall look of the zaku. The weapons included are nice and detailed fairly especially the Orthos canon.It also captures the zaku from the anime quite accurately What I really like about this is that in the anime this zaku was piloted by Lunamaria Hawke. If you are planning on buying a model kit(a zaku  model kit to be specific) buy this.

My problem with this model kit is that parts tend to fall off whenever I try to pose it.

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